I am delighted to report my old friend Mary Foshee is on board, and about as excited as I am about choreographing a "Flying Dream Light Dance", or "Zero Gravity pas de Trois" as I am to see it performed wearing the EL suits we make. The key words here are "flying" and "Zero Gravity".
I have known her and admired her work since the early 80's, when she was one of the most creative members and Director of "Southern Danceworks".
We didn't need to talk about the project all that much because we were already on the same wave length: weightlessness, zero gravity. I have had recurrent dreams all my life where I either fly like a bird, or simply levitate. So seeing the Russian video struck a chord very loudly, as did the performance from the student group "Fighting Gravity".
As a dancer and choreographer with more than 35 years of experience, that is basically what Mary has been doing, but in broad daylight or under stage light. The man lifts, the woman flies, but you see them both, the mechanics are exposed so to speak.
The black light and the EL wire suits concepts on the other hand create a very realistic illusion of weightlessness, as the lifters are wearing black suits and are not visible at all in the dark. That is what excited us so much: all you see are the lighter dancers up in the air in impossible poses, leaning, spinning, upside down, levitating, flying.
This is what so many of my dreams have been about since I was a kid! This particular "Zero Gravity Dream Point of Light" really means a lot to me.